This is a partial payment... the total cost of the painting is $1250 . Once you have completed your purchase here, please follow this link to make your final payment to the other artist, Melissa Lyons.
Once the payment has been completed in BOTH shops, the painting will be shipped.
Here is the Link to the other payment:
The Violet Seed is a collection of original paintings created by Melissa Lyons and Sarah Szmiot. These paintings were a labor of love by the Holy Spirit for sure. The day before I was to arrive to help Melissa with her creative weekend, the Lord spoke to her that we needed to collaborate on paintings together utilizing her fruit trees and flowers and my animals. Melissa called me to tell me this while I was at the airport on the way to her house, and we both got so excited! I told her that God had spoken the same thing to me months before! How fun! Once she picked me up we dreamed up these paintings for about an hour and a half on the way from the airport to her house. On the night before I left, after the rest of her family had gone to bed we went in her studio and shut the door. With worship music playing loud, we just bounced back and forth between canvases and painted this collection. I don't know how to explain it but we both felt the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and a fresh childlike joy! We know that God has big plans for these paintings, and we would be honored for you to own an original!
30 x 40 1 1/2